At the Golden Gate Kennel Club Dog Show
at the Cow Palace in San Francisco Feb 1-2, 2003
Dog shows are a great place to find people who look like their dogs. Here are a series of photos we took at the Golden Gate Kennel Club Dog Show for possible inclusion in our Do You Look Like Dog book to be published in January 2004 by Broadway Books/Random House. As we took the pictures, one woman said she had won a local Do You Look Like Your Dog contest, and several people said they knew owners not at the show who looked very much like their dogs and they would ask them to send us pictures. A few people told us they knew about our Web site and thought it was a lot of fun. See photos of the judging, too.
So do you think these people look like their dogs? Or do you know others who do? We're looking for photos for consideration for the 1st International Do You Look Like Your Contest until December 1, 2003, as well as for the next Do You Look Like Your Dog book.