Introducing two new cartoon books...
Written by Gini Graham Scott Illustrations by Nick Korolev © Dog Days Productions
Great Chihuahua Schnoodle
What’s a breed apart?
Today, there are about 180 official breeds – over 32,000 combinations of breeds possible. And that’s in addition to all the unofficial breeds, mixed breeds, and just plain mutts.
So what if there were some unlikely combinations, such as:
· Very big dogs and small ones
· Dogs with opposite personality traits
· Dogs from across the globe
Or other mixes of dogs that don’t normally breed together.
Well, here’s a sampling of dogs breeds that might not have happened yet…Or then again,maybe they did...
If Dogs Had WINGS And Other Crazy New Dog Critters
Written by Gini Graham Scott Illustrations by Nick Korolev © Dog Days Productions 2000
Elk Hound Corn Dog
So what are dogs with wings and other crazy new dog critters?
They're a combination of dogs with other animals -- and a few plants and mechanical objects -- to create some fantasy creatures, such as…
- a Bird Dog – a dog with wings!
- an Elk Hound - a dog and elk mix
- a Corn Dog - a dog and an ear of corn
- a Dash-hund - a dog bred with a jaguar for that extra dash
- and lots more.
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