Welcome to Dog Days Productions.... |
The Dog Days….
Issue #1: August 14, 2000 Edited by: Gini Graham Scott, Creative Director. E-mail: BarkAbout@doyoulooklikeyourdog.com Editorial Offices: Dog Days Productions, 6114 La Salle, #358, Oakland, CA 94611 |
and welcome
is the first of our newsletters, which we hope to develop into an online
magazine, as well as a digest of articles, perhaps even a book featuring
highlights. It has taken us a few months to get ready to launch the Web site, in part because of the recent dot.com shake out. Although we are not primarily a dot.com company, many of our programs and marketing and promotional activities will be on line. So we have taken things a little more slowly before a full-scale roll out.
to our initial entrants Although we haven’t officially launched the site yet, thanks to those of you who have somehow found us and submitted entries. The photos are great – in fact, you’ll see the photos on our behind the scenes Web site we are using to develop ideas and get feedback: www.geocities.com/dogdaysproductions.
Eventually, these photos will be transferred to one or both of our regular sites: www.doyoulooklikeyourdog.com and So to our first entrants – Chrystal with Precious Lady Princess from Olathe, Kansas, Scott with Chase from Cascade Locks, Oregon, Mary with Sofie from Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada, and Julie with Princess Tierra Elizabeth from Boca Raton, Florida – thanks again. |
What’s on our new siteYou’re invited to come explore our Web site for trying out new ideas, which is at www.geocities.com/dogdaysproductions. We welcome your ideas and feedback as we finalize these ideas for our other sites. Currently, we have – or will soon have -- information on:
You’ll see other topics we plan to develop along the side. Current and future plansWe
are now starting to explore various types of books and licensing
projects, such as for cartoon and photo books, greeting cards,
calendars, posters, and books featuring dog stories, quotes, jokes, etc.
We invite you to submit your ideas.
There will be royalties or fees based on prevailing industry
standards, as we make these arrangements.
You’ll see a more complete listing of our ideas in our business
plan, now posted on our development site.
Currently a focus is expanding the site and looking for products
and services we can market and promote. |