Welcome to Dog Days Productions.... |
The Dog Days….
Issue #2: September 5, 2000 Edited by: Gini Graham Scott, Creative Director. E-mail: BarkAbout@doyoulooklikeyourdog.com Editorial Offices: Dog Days Productions, 6114 La Salle, #358, Oakland, CA 94611 |
and welcome
is our second newsletter, which we hope to develop into an online
magazine, as well as a digest of articles, perhaps even a book We are still preparing to launch the Web site in a few months, once the dot.com shake out is over and after the big holiday selling season. We hope to be ready to start with our roll out in the beginning of next year. A
German TV show on people who look like their dogs The word about us seems to be getting out -- even internationally. A German TV production company - ProSieben TV in Munich -- contacted us about participating in a show about people who look like their dogs. They found some people in Europe for this one due to the short taping deadline and the expense of flights. But they are hoping to do another show in the future and plan to contact us again.
A New Feature on Dog Ads Have you noticed how dogs are turning up more and more in ads these days? Well, you can see some examples of these on our Web site. The dogs are not only being used in ads for pet food and pet supplies. But to sell magazines, online services, products for the home, even perfume. Visit our new section at Dog Ads to see examples. |
What’s on our new siteThere's lots more now on our Web site for trying out new ideas, which is at: www.geocities.com/dogdaysproductions. Please send us your ideas and feedback to help us finalize ideas for our main site at www.doyoulooklikeyourdog.com. Now we have – or soon will have -- information on:
Other topics listed on the side will be developed soon. New Partnerships and Alliances We have started creating our first alliances with individuals and companies offering interesting products related to dogs and pets. Our first one is with a poster company that has a line of several hundred posters featuring dogs -- as well as thousands of other posters on all types of subjects. They're featured in our section on Dog Art. Other
alliances will be announced shortly, and we are looking for
others. So if you have any products or services related to dogs
and pets, let us know. |